Ph. D. (1982); The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dissertation: Whitehead's Philosophy of Time.
M. A. (1979); The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Thesis: Whitehead's Theory of Eternal Objects.
A. B. (1975); Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, ID. Magna cum laude.
1981-Present, Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Colleges (tenured and promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor in 1987; promoted to Full Professor in 1994).
1990-1993, Chair of Philosophy Department, University of Wisconsin Colleges.
1978-1981, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
In Books
"A.I. : Artistic Indulgence or Advanced Inquiry?," in Steven Spielberg and Philosophy (We're Gonna Need a Bigger Book), ed. by Dean Kowalski, University Press of Kentucky, 2011.
"Freedom and World-Views in The X-Files," in The X-Files and Philosophy, ed. by Dean Kowalski, University Press of Kentucky, September 2007.
"Alfred North Whitehead" in The Great Thinkers A-Z, ed. by Julian Baggini and Jeremy Stangroom, 2004.
"Introductory Philosophy--A Restricted Topic Approach," in Teaching Philsosophy, ed. by Tziporah Kasachkoff, Rowman and Littlefield, 2004.
"Antinomy" (song) in Roy A. Sorenson, A Short History of Paradoxes, Oxford, 2003.
"Introductory Philosophy--A Restricted Topic Approach," In the Socratic Tradition: Essays on Teaching Philosophy, ed. by Tziporah Kasachkoff, Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.
"B-Time: A Reply to Tallant" (with L. Nathan Oaklander) Analysis 67, 2007, 332-340.
"Not Present and Accounted For" in Chronos: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 2006.
"Making Hume Mind His Manners" Chronos: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 2005.
"Philosophy Songs: In the Best Tradition From Thales to Dennett," Teaching with Technology Today, 2003, and The American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Computing 2004.
"Quick Thinking? Not So Fast!" Sorites #15, December 2004, and Chronos: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 2004.
"Frankfurt on Personal Failure" Sorites #12, May 2001, 66-69.
"Philosophy Songs" Philosophical Writings Spring 1999, 101-103.
"Frankfurt, Failure, and Finding Fault," Sorites #9, April 1998, 46-51.
"Ray on the Twin Paradox," Metaphysical Review: Essays on the Foundations of Physics (an electronic journal no longer on the Net) September 1997 (Vol.4 no. 3).
"Picturing Einstein's Train of Thought," Philosophy October 1996, 591-594.
"Single-Topic Introductory Philosophy--An Update," Teaching Philosophy June 1996, 137-144.
"Relativity and Simultaneity Redux," Philosophy July 1993, 401-404.
"Cohen on Einstein's Simultaneity Gedankenexperiment," Philosophy April 1991, 244-245.
"Thinking, Writing, and Introductory Philosophy-A Topical Approach," American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy Winter 1991, 45-47.
"The Single-Issue Introduction to Philosophy," Teaching Philosophy March 1990, 13-19.
"How to Mind One's Ethics: A Reply to van Inwagen," Analysis January 1990, 33-35.
"Whitehead, Special Relativity, and Simultaneity," Process Studies 1984, 275-285.
"Ferre and the Problem of Temporal Location," The Southern Journal of Philosophy Spring 1982, 133-137.
"Sensa and Patterns," Process Studies 1980, 39-43.
ReviewsCommented on Philosophy of Time Society paper on fatalism by Alan Rhoda (Notre Dame) “How to Have Your Fate and Cheat It Too” Chicago APA, published in Chronos (PTS Proceedings, July 2010).
Commented on Philosophy of Time Society paper by Andre Buckareff (Colgate) “Eternalists Can Be Humean Compatibilists” Chicago APA, 2/19, published in Chronos (PTS Proceedings, June 2009).
"Not Present and Accounted For" a response paper presented to the Philosophy of Time Society during the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in Chicago, April, 2006.
"Dumbo's Feather: Why We Need Free Will", presented as part of the UW Madison Philosophy Department Colloquium Series, April 1 2005.
"Making Hume Mind His Manners", a response paper presented to the Philosophy of Time Society during the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in Chicago, April, 2005.
"Introducing Ethics by a Student Survey" was presented at the American Association of Philosophy Teachers biennial international conference to be held at Alverno College, Milwaukee WI, in August 2000; also presented at the UWC on-line Conference on Teaching, held (virtually) on Mars, October 1998.
"Using Writing Groups to Encourage Student Discussion" was presented at the American Association of Philosophy Teachers biennial international conference to be held at Alverno College, Milwaukee WI, in August 2000.
"Did Somebody Say McTaggart®?," a response paper presented to the Philosophy of Time Society during the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in Chicago, May, 2000.
"Teaching Single Topic Introductory Philosophy" was part of a panel on my restricted-topic approach presented as part of the American Association of Philosophy Teachers meetings held in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in New Orleans, May 1999.
"Will the Time of B-theory Fly? (or What is it Like to Bat a B-(Theorist)?)," presented at Loyola University of Chicago during the meetings of The Illinois Philosophical Association, November 1998.
"Some Further Thoughts about Donald Davidson's 'Thought and Talk,'" presented at American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in Chicago, April 1996.
"Doctoring 101 Strangely, Or How I Learned to Stop Bombing and Love the Worry," invited presentation at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings in Louisville, KY, April 1992; also presented at the Graduate Student Conference on Teaching Philosophy held at Marquette University, February 1999, and presented at the UWC on-line Conference on Teaching, held (virtually) in Jamaica, October 1997.
"Whitehead on Becoming," presented at the APA Pacific Division Meetings in San Francisco, CA, March 1985.
V. Professional Service
Appointed (1995--2004; reappointed 2007-present) to the NE Wisconsin District (4) Office of Lawyer Regulation Committee of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Secretary Philosophy of Time Society 2008-2013.
Referee/reviewer for The Philosophical Quarterly, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Mind, Yale University Press, Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Prometheus Books, and Oxford University Press among others.
University of Wisconsin Colleges Chancellor's Award for Excellence 2009.
Included in the 1998, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006 Who's Who Among America's Teachers as nominated by former students.
Philosophy Songs webpage <http://www.manitowoc.uwc.edu/staff/awhite/phisong.htm> honored for "significant achievement" by a website by The Philosopher's Magazine (1998).
1996-97 Wisconsin Professor of the Year (click on Wisconsin and scroll down), selected by the Carnegie\CASE Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in Washington, D.C.
1997 American Philosophical Association award for excellence in teaching (presented at the APA meetings in Pittsburgh).
1997 recipient of the UW Manitowoc Kay Levin Professional Development Award.
Recipient of the first UWC Arthur M. Kaplan Faculty Development Fellowship, Fall 1993.
"43rd Psalm", "Ransom's Sonnet", "Hieb's Sonnet" Mississippi Review June 1997, Randall Terry Meets His Maker January 2004.
"Sagan's Sonnet" Skeptical Inquirer 21-3, June 1997, 59.
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" selected for Nature's Voices, published by the International Poetry Press, 2000.
Review of Blessings in Disguise by David Clewell, The Cream City Review, 18.2, Fall 1994, 266-267.
Born in Florence, AL. Educated in Tennessee, Idaho, California, and Missouri.
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Ancient Greek (reading competence) |
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Hobbies: Running, biking, golf, photography, astronomy and general wise-assing. If you've read this far one of us (at least) needs a life!
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